Thursday, August 30, 2018

I got the FlashPoint Zoom R2 TTL C (yes I know it is a mouth full)  MagMod MagBounce, grid and MagSphere and some color gels from Adorama recently. Let me say I am very pleased with the everithing so far after first event.  The FlashPoint Zoom Li-On TTL C is awsome. I am using the speedlite on camera as key light to command OCF 580EX II and/or FP 360 C. Attached are some samples of pictures from that wedding.

Top picture on camera FP zoom R2 C MagBounce 580EXii behind bride with blue gel. Middle picture on camera FP zoom R2 C MagBounce 580II camera right pointed at wall Bottom picture on camera FP zoom R2 C MagBounce 580EXII red gel behind bride/
Visit my Facebook page note click on pictures to see bigger.